Pellpax Exclusive Offer CLX WILDERNESS EDITION

Coronavirus (COVID-19) Updates

To help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and to protect the wellbeing of our customers and staff, we have implemented additional safety precautions to our home delivery service.

Updated on 01/05/2020 at 10:27am

Dear Customers,

We are obviously living through difficult times, and I hope you are all safe and well. This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 1st May 2020.

I am going to shorten these messages, most of you will no doubt have read my previous updates, and the history of them is getting quite long to keep adding to.

Courier deliveries:
Courier deliveries are still leaving us within 24 to 48 hours, most suppliers are shipping to us, or allowing us to collect, but some remain closed until lockdown is lifted. 90% of orders going out by courier are going as normal. If you are in the 10% then I apologise, there is very little we can do other than ask you to be patient or we will of course process a refund.

Home deliveries:
As you will appreciate many of the items we sell have to be delivered to your home, and we have to do a face to face transaction (legal requirement), these items cannot be sent by courier. We initially struggled with this as staff went off sick, or self-isolated. Our drivers normally go out for 3 or 4 days and stay in hotels. These all closed and remain closed. We started doing long ‘day’ routes. But this is incredibly inefficient. We recruited new drivers based In the four corners of the country and we now trunk deliveries to these drivers for them to then go on and deliver. We still have a further 5 drivers going out daily from Norfolk serving the counties located closer to us. This transition put us 3 weeks behind normal. So instead of a 1 to 2 week delivery on firearms we are currently running at approx. 5 weeks. Again almost 90% of our customers are getting their deliveries within the 5 weeks (just), but 10% are not. This can be for a number of reasons, we just cannot get to your location without hotels being open, we may have the main item on your order in stock, but another significant item is out of stock, an item fails quality control, or our stock system is inaccurate and we cannot find the item (with so many staff off this has happened a few times as we cannot update our records as quickly as we normally would). Once again all we can do is ask you to be patient or we can offer a refund.

Our phone system still remains mostly useless. We cannot have too many staff in a confined space at a time answering calls, and unfortunately we cannot get this system redirected to the staff at home (most of whom are young and only have mobiles anyway), we are a very low priority for work like that. We are answering most emails within 24 hours, but again with most staff working from home, coordination of this work is not as smooth as we would like. It’s not like being in an office where you can shout across to a colleague and get answers.

The safety of my staff is paramount. We are following all the current government guidelines: on-line businesses should remain open; staff who can work from home should; staff who work on-site should follow the social distancing guidelines and be protected.

This means we are running with a skeleton crew. We are working normally – just far more slowly than normal. We have closed our retail outlet in Aylsham as per current government guidelines. Only the warehouses are operational.

Continuing to operate:
My approach to keeping the online shop open is that as we run out of certain lines and know we cannot get any more stock for the foreseeable future, we are disabling those items so they cannot be ordered.

Since the 14th April there has been a tick box at checkout stating we cannot guarantee deliveries of firearms until a few weeks after lockdown and only proceed with an order if you are happy to wait. The order cannot then be placed unless that box is ticked.

So, if you are still able to order, we are still able to supply. But our service will be much slower than normal. 90% of you will get the firearm you ordered within 5 weeks, 10% may be a little longer. I hope you consider this reasonable under the circumstances.

Still we are finding some customers place their orders, wait a few days, ask when the item is being delivered, demand a refund etc. All of this then takes time to process and takes staff away from the job of getting orders out to customers.

Please, please, we can all see what is happening in the world right now, if you are not prepared to wait an extended period of time for your deliveries then please don’t order. We have kept everyone updated on our situation and we cannot work miracles. Getting angry at us for trying to do the right thing just makes it worse and affects staff morale. We will need every job possible to lift us out of the worst recession we will ever face in our lifetimes. What is the use in destroying a good company with negative reviews under these circumstances? Many of you are probably sat at home, not at work so what is the point in trying to destroy a company that is actually trying to keep going? It won’t make our deliveries any faster, it can’t put people in a crowded office answering phones, it won’t open up the hotels for our drivers. We are all here trying our very best, working all hours, working days and night shifts so that we can keep staff safe. Please don’t destroy our reputation by punishing us for this effort.

More importantly than everything I have said here is for you all to stay safe and protect your loved ones.

Kind Regards
Darren Kirk

Updated on 17/04/2020 at 08:37am

Dear Customers,

We are obviously living through difficult times, and I hope you are all safe and well. This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 17th April 2020.

Changes since last update – 17/04/20:

With another 3 week extension to the lockdown being announced (and it could go on longer) we know that many of our suppliers will not be returning to work any time soon and we will only be able to get stock from those few that are open. We are testing a new feature on the website today, if you go to order a firearm a new confirmation box will appear warning you of the situation and you have to accept to continue. This enables our loyal customers who want to order something and don’t mind waiting, perhaps a couple of months, to do so. Anyone expecting a delivery within 5 weeks should be put off ordering.
This also gives us time to catch up with the backlog, which is currently 3 weeks behind normal (so 4-5 weeks).
We will contact 10 random customers tomorrow, who have still placed an order, just to make sure they fully understand. If so that process will continue, if not we will have to physically disable these products until this is over.

I have had a lot of criticism for having staff defending us on social media, pleasant comments as you can imagine, suggesting they would be better off picking and packing, dispatching, posting and delivering the goods. It may be obvious to most of you but I need to point out to the rest that these are the staff who are self isolating or off sick etc, or staff doing another hour after a gruelling nightshift etc. This is all they can do to help, they cannot access the phones, from home, the ones who can are catching up with emails. But most of these staff are not physically here to do anything else.

After my previous update we have also been inundated with offers for driving jobs and I am filtering through those today. Unfortunately most are from areas we have well covered and I will thank everyone individually when I get a moment, but as I am out delivering this weekend, it may be a few days, but thank you all.

At the moment I have seen a promising one for the South West, which may be the final area we need to cover. The new guys for the North East and North West are coming down tomorrow for training and to take their first (small) load. If they get on ok and like the work we will start trunking larger and larger loads to them. Everyone else who has offered, thanks, I’ll keep you all on file. I’ll give these new guys a few days and re-evaluate. If they don’t like the work, or can’t keep up, we’ll take on someone else. So please bear with us on that too.

Please stay safe and look after your families.
Kind Regards
Darren Kirk.
Addaca Ltd t/a Pellpax

Updated on 15/04/2020 at 11.01am

Dear Customers, We are obviously living through difficult times and I hope you are all safe and well. This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 15th April 2020.

Changes since last update 15/04/20 :

Firstly thank you so much to those customers who have offered to help us during this difficult period. We have had offers ranging from a customer who has a large drive and garden offering to let our drivers park securely over night, camp out, and make them a breakfast so they can do longer routes, to people who have lost their jobs, have a van and are offering to help with deliveries. I can’t believe how generous and helpful these people are being. Thank you again. Some of these offers we are accepting. We are taking on drivers, especially those positioned in the far corners of the country. If you have offered help, please accept our thanks, if we don’t take you up on your offer we still appreciate it, but it perhaps just doesn’t fit with our current needs, or we have already accepted a similar offer from someone else. All are as valuable as the other.

We do still need perhaps two more drivers. One for the south west (able to deliver into Cornwall, Devon, South Wales etc on a day run (no hotels open of course), so Bristol area perhaps, and one to do the North East, so York/Harrogate/Leeds based perhaps. You will need your own van. If there is anyone interested please email [email protected] but in the subject line keep the VAN DRIVER AVAILABLE so we can spot you easily. We are currently covering those areas but with only 2 drivers (3 from this weekend) able to do more than a day route, these areas are being served less well than normally. Thank you also to all of our customers who are posting positive reviews and comments and are understanding of our issues at this time. Please everyone stay safe and look after your families and those in need around you.

Our phone system is still not working well. We have staff who can work from home, at home, which means very few staff here able to answer calls. So the phone system is still overwhelmed. However every day we are catching up with emails and are now perhaps 2 days behind. Our biggest problem is still people emailing multiple times. This means we have to find all these emails before replying. For example we may have an email asking for a refund, then another saying they can see by the reviews we are still here, can they get an idea of delivery, then another ‘why haven’t you answered’, etc. So a few customers we have just refunded from the first email, but actually are delivering into that area 2 days later, and vica versa. So unless we track the whole conversation we are making mistakes. Please, one email, and give us a couple of days to respond and we’ll soon be back to same day reply.

This last weekend I applied Pareto Analysis Techniques to all of our systems (those that are under extreme pressure). I am old enough that they taught this at school, if you are not familiar you may have heard of the 80/20 rule. The result of this is that we have been able to improve efficiency in many of our departments, order processing, purchasing, picking and packing, route planning, home delivery etc.

So with the few staff we physically have at work, we can process a far higher number of orders through each department than normal. To the point where the few can do more than the many. It’s efficient, but not how we like to operate, normally we put customer service first, but as the systems helping us to achieve that are still not working properly it is the next best thing. The end result is that 80% of our customers will see a relatively rapid return to normal service, but 20% will not. This is not as bad as it sounds, because with 80% being handled much more quickly than the current situation would normally allow, it means that we can then spend more time resolving the 20%.

We physically put the new systems in place on Monday and the first home delivery driver went out Tuesday using the new system, many have followed including myself (yesterday) and I immediately saw a difference. I’m out again Thursday and Saturday and Sunday delivering so we can tweak it from experience but initial results are very impressive.

Please stay safe and look after your families.
Kind Regards
Darren Kirk.
Addaca Ltd t/a Pellpax

Updated on 10/04/2020 at 10.49am

Dear Customers, We are obviously living through difficult times and I hope you are all safe and well. This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 10th April 2020.

Changes since last update 10/04/20 : We have plenty of stock of none firearms products, the items that can be posted by courier, and in fact we are caught up with almost all of the backlog, so most orders by courier are being shipped within 24-48 hours.

We have enough stock of firearms (for home deliveries) for those orders that have already been placed, but with many of our suppliers closed for the foreseeable future we are getting to a point where, once these orders are fulfilled we cannot say when stock will next arrive. Some suppliers are open, or have promised to reopen, but with all of the uncertainty we thought it best to catch up on the backlog, and let customers know that from today onwards we cannot make meaningful promises, so it is wise to manage expectations. Once caught up, we will start taking orders again for the products we can get hold of.

We are posting a warning everywhere, including a predominant banner on the website, that any order we take from tomorrow onwards (11th April 2020) for a firearm may be delayed until a few weeks after the lockdown is listed. Those customers who don’t mind waiting will still be able to place an order, but anyone who is not willing to wait until after lockdown should refrain from ordering and we’ll let everyone know when things are back to normal. We have had another driver who has had to go into isolation due to a family member showing signs which means our previous estimate of being roughly two weeks behind with home deliveries is now three weeks behind and for this we apologise.

Changes since last update 09/04/20 : We now have our mailbox [email protected] working but it has thousands of emails in it. We are getting through them as fast as possible, but many of them are where people have emailed over and over again. So we have a new strategy, rather than work from the oldest to the newest we are putting one staff member on recent emails. So please email once and be a little patient. Other staff will be working from the oldest, but this will take longer. So from Friday 10th April we should be able to respond to your emails within 2 working days. Please be patient and 1 email please. Obviously this could result In you receiving a reply to a recent email, and then a reply to the older. The recent will be current information. We have a plan to resolve this, when a staff member replies to a new email after the 10th he will sort the old emails by name and subject. Any on the same thread prior to that can then be deleted to save the other guys replying to older ones.

However this only works if the sender is the same and the subject is the same. So it would help us, if you have emailed before to send a new email to the email address above, from the same sander and leaving the subject line exactly the same as before. We can then reply to you more quickly and delete your old emails to help us catch up more quickly


We are following the current government guidelines that on-line businesses should remain open, staff who can work from home should, but the rest should follow the social distancing guidelines and be protected. This means we are running with a skeleton crew. We are working normally but just far more slowly than normal. We have closed our retail outlet in Aylsham as per current government guidelines. So customers should not turn up expecting our shop to be open, only the warehouses are operational.


We have millions of pounds worth of stock but our suppliers are running themselves with limited numbers of staff so the flow through the supply chain is slower than normal.


My approach to continuing to keep the online shop open is that as we run out of certain lines, and know we cannot get any more stock for the foreseeable future, we are disabling those items so they cannot be ordered. We are also warning customers on the website that there may be a delay getting orders out. So if you are still able to order, we are still able to supply, but much more slowly than normal. I hope this is reasonable under the circumstances.


Couriers are continuing to collect and deliver from us. We are currently sending out 250 to 300 parcels a day but this is considerably less then usual due to reduced staffing levels and re organising our workflow to maintain at least 3m between staff. However as of this weekend (11th April 2020) we are up to date with non firearms orders and orders that can go by courier 90 % of orders should be dispatched within 24-48 hours usually.


We have had another driver who has had to go into isolation due to a family member showing signs which means our previous estimate of being roughly two weeks behind with home deliveries is now three weeks behind and for this we apologise. Initially when the hotels closed this created a big problem for us, we had to recall drivers who were already out as there was nowhere for them to spend the night. We immediately started operating long day routes although this is an expensive solution. We also have several drivers off, for example one has a wife who is recovering from cancer and falls into the high risk category. That driver is now on furlough. To increase capacity we have fitted out some of our larger vans with ‘cots’ and are back to doing a limited number of long routes. We have also recruited a couple more drivers so are almost up to our normal capacity. However because of the problems the lockdown created we now have a bit of a backlog to get through. So whilst we are back up to delivering hundreds of orders per week it will take us a while to catch up on that lost time.


Our communications systems have been a different matter. I cannot have too many staff in a confined area answering phones. We have tried to contact BT to work on extending our capacity to store voicemails and to play a message giving an update to customers phoning in, but currently they are prioritising work for the new hospitals, increasing broadband capacity etc. We may get help shortly but have no idea when that will be. Please see ‘Changes since last update’ above as the previous section (now in brackets) is obsolete. (The problem is we received so many emails, with some people emailing multiple times that it filled our email system to capacity. We are working through these as quickly as we can but more were coming in than we could clear. So some of you will have had emails bounce back, some will have got through, obviously then changing the order they are received. We have now set up another email system that we auto forward our existing system to, so we can clear the bottleneck. It has 3 times the capacity of our old system. However I would urge customers to email us once, if it goes through please give us time to reply. With limited staff working from home we will then get through them all more easily than if we get 5 emails from the same person asking the same thing, just each one more angry than the last. We have a couple more staff returning from isolation Monday, but are having to reconfigure our working environment to ensure they are safe).


Because we are running much more slowly than normal we are getting a lot of negative reviews but I would ask you all to consider this: The real cowboys out there are the ones that will take your money, shut up shop, wait this out and come back as a new business in future. They don’t care about reviews, they have shed their old identity. These are the sort of people you will be dealing with in the future without knowing it. Whereas those businesses that are actually honest and are battling through this, trying to do the right thing by their staff and customers, are the ones who will be severely damaged by negative reviews. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the honest, hard working companies like ours struggle through times like we are facing only to come out the other side, a shadow of their former selves, badly tarnished by negative reviews, while the real cowboys spring back into existence and thrive. Several of our negative reviews we cannot trace, the orders don’t exist, and when we ask for details, they go silent but leave their reviews in place. Our competitors maybe? Using the review system to take advantage of the current situation. Many of you are regular customers and know we are a good company and trying to do the best we can in very difficult circumstances.


Please help me protect my staff by being understanding of the situation and just being a little more patient than you would normally expect to be. We will do the right thing by every customer as quickly as we possibly can. Please also consider we will need businesses and jobs when we come out of this and there may be hundreds of thousands of businesses go under. So I would ask all of you to carefully consider the need for negative reviews at this time, not only for Pellpax but for every other business out there. Many are working under very difficult circumstances but are trying their best. Consider the government, it can’t even get desperately needed ppe equipment out to those that need it, and people are dying because of that problem, do you really think other businesses can operate as normal?. Perhaps the government deserve a one star review, but what good would it do if they really are trying everything possible. We may never know, but please don’t punish those companies that really are trying their best. I would like to thank my staff who are working every hour possible to resolve our issues and please be assured that they are looking after you to the best of their ability.

Please stay safe and look after your families.

Kind Regards Darren Kirk. M.D. Addaca Ltd t/a Pellpax

Updated on 09/04/2020 at 17.13pm

We are obviously living through difficult times and I hope you are all safe and well.

This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 9th April 2020.

Changes since last update: We now have our mailbox [email protected] working but it has thousands of emails in it. We are getting through them as fast as possible, but many of them are where people have emailed over and over again.

So we have a new strategy, rather than work from the oldest to the newest we are putting one staff member on recent emails. So please email once and be a little patient. Other staff will be working from the oldest, but this will take longer. So from Friday 10th April we should be able to respond to your emails within 2 working days. Please be patient and 1 email please. Obviously this could result In you receiving a reply to a recent email, and then a reply to the older. The recent will be current information. We have a plan to resolve this, when a staff member replies to a new email after the 10th he will sort the old emails by name and subject. Any on the same thread prior to that can then be deleted to save the other guys replying to older ones.

However this only works if the sender is the same and the subject is the same. So it would help us, if you have emailed before to send a new email to the email address above, from the same sander and leaving the subject line exactly the same as before. We can then reply to you more quickly and delete your old emails to help us catch up more quickly


We are following the current government guidelines that on-line businesses should remain open, staff who can work from home should, but the rest should follow the social distancing guidelines and be protected. This means we are running with a skeleton crew. We are working normally but just far more slowly than normal. We have closed our retail outlet in Aylsham as per current government guidelines. So customers should not turn up expecting our shop to be open, only the warehouses are operational.


We have millions of pounds worth of stock but our suppliers are running themselves with limited numbers of staff so the flow through the supply chain is slower than normal.


My approach to continuing to keep the online shop open is that as we run out of certain lines, and know we cannot get any more stock for the foreseeable future, we are disabling those items so they cannot be ordered. We are also warning customers on the website that there may be a delay getting orders out. So if you are still able to order, we are still able to supply, but much more slowly than normal. I hope this is reasonable under the circumstances.


Couriers are continuing to collect and deliver from us. We are currently sending out 250 to 300 parcels a day but this is considerably less then usual due to reduced staffing levels and re organising our workflow to maintain at least 3m between staff.


Initially when the hotels closed this created a big problem for us, we had to recall drivers who were already out as there was nowhere for them to spend the night. We immediately started operating long day routes although this is an expensive solution. We also have several drivers off, for example one has a wife who is recovering from cancer and falls into the high risk category. That driver is now on furlough. To increase capacity we have fitted out some of our larger vans with ‘cots’ and are back to doing a limited number of long routes. We have also recruited a couple more drivers so are almost up to our normal capacity. However because of the problems the lockdown created we now have a bit of a backlog to get through. So whilst we are back up to delivering hundreds of orders per week it will take us a while to catch up on that lost time.


Our communications systems have been a different matter. I cannot have too many staff in a confined area answering phones. We have tried to contact BT to work on extending our capacity to store voicemails and to play a message giving an update to customers phoning in, but currently they are prioritising work for the new hospitals, increasing broadband capacity etc. We may get help shortly but have no idea when that will be. Please see ‘Changes since last update’ above as the previous section (now in brackets) is obsolete. (The problem is we received so many emails, with some people emailing multiple times that it filled our email system to capacity. We are working through these as quickly as we can but more were coming in than we could clear. So some of you will have had emails bounce back, some will have got through, obviously then changing the order they are received. We have now set up another email system that we auto forward our existing system to, so we can clear the bottleneck. It has 3 times the capacity of our old system. However I would urge customers to email us once, if it goes through please give us time to reply. With limited staff working from home we will then get through them all more easily than if we get 5 emails from the same person asking the same thing, just each one more angry than the last. We have a couple more staff returning from isolation Monday, but are having to reconfigure our working environment to ensure they are safe).


Because we are running much more slowly than normal we are getting a lot of negative reviews but I would ask you all to consider this: The real cowboys out there are the ones that will take your money, shut up shop, wait this out and come back as a new business in future. They don’t care about reviews, they have shed their old identity. These are the sort of people you will be dealing with in the future without knowing it. Whereas those businesses that are actually honest and are battling through this, trying to do the right thing by their staff and customers, are the ones who will be severely damaged by negative reviews. Wouldn’t it be ironic if the honest, hard working companies like ours struggle through times like we are facing only to come out the other side, a shadow of their former selves, badly tarnished by negative reviews, while the real cowboys spring back into existence and thrive. Several of our negative reviews we cannot trace, the orders don’t exist, and when we ask for details, they go silent but leave their reviews in place. Our competitors maybe? Using the review system to take advantage of the current situation. Many of you are regular customers and know we are a good company and trying to do the best we can in very difficult circumstances.


Please help me protect my staff by being understanding of the situation and just being a little more patient than you would normally expect to be. We will do the right thing by every customer as quickly as we possibly can. Please also consider we will need businesses and jobs when we come out of this and there may be hundreds of thousands of businesses go under. So I would ask all of you to carefully consider the need for negative reviews at this time, not only for Pellpax but for every other business out there. Many are working under very difficult circumstances but are trying their best. Consider the government, it can’t even get desperately needed ppe equipment out to those that need it, and people are dying because of that problem, do you really think other businesses can operate as normal?. Perhaps the governmet deserve a one star review, but what good would it do if they really are trying everything possible. We may never know, but please don’t punish those companies that really are trying their best. I would like to thank my staff who are working every hour possible to resolve our issues and please be assured that they are looking after you to the best of their ability.

Please stay safe and look after your families.

Kind Regards Darren Kirk. M.D. Addaca Ltd t/a Pellpax

Updated on 04/04/2020 at 13.38pm

Dear Customers

We are obviously living through difficult times and I hope you are all safe and well.

This is a detailed summary of where the Pellpax business stands at 4th April 2020.


We are following the current government guidelines that on-line businesses should remain open, staff who can work from home should, but the rest should follow the social distancing guidelines and be protected.

This means we are running with a skeleton crew. We are working normally but just far more slowly than normal. We have closed our retail outlet in Aylsham as per current government guidelines. So customers should not turn up expecting our shop to be open, only the warehouses are operational.


We have millions of pounds worth of stock but our suppliers are running themselves with limited numbers of staff so the flow through the supply chain is slower than normal.


My approach to continuing to keep the online shop open is that as we run out of certain lines, and know we cannot get any more stock for the foreseeable future, we are disabling those items so they cannot be ordered.

We are also warning customers on the website that there may be a delay getting orders out.

So if you are still able to order, we are still able to supply, but much more slowly than normal.

I hope this is reasonable under the circumstances.


Couriers are continuing to collect and deliver from us. We are currently sending out 250 to 300 parcels a day but this is considerably less then usual due to reduced staffing levels and re organising our workflow to maintain at least 3m between staff.


Initially when the hotels closed this created a big problem for us, we had to recall drivers who were already out as there was nowhere for them to spend the night.

We immediately started operating long day routes although this is an expensive solution. We also have several drivers off, for example one has a wife who is recovering from cancer and falls into the high risk category. That driver is now on furlough. To increase capacity we have fitted out some of our larger vans with ‘cots’ and are back to doing a limited number of long routes. We have also recruited a couple more drivers so are almost up to our normal capacity.

However because of the problems the lockdown created we now have a bit of a backlog to get through.

So whilst we are back up to delivering hundreds of orders per week it will take us a while to catch up on that lost time.


Our communications systems have been a different matter. I cannot have too many staff in a confined area answering phones. We have tried to contact BT to work on extending our capacity to store voicemails and to play a message giving an update to customers phoning in, but currently they are prioritising work for the new hospitals, increasing broadband capacity etc. We may get help shortly but have no idea when that will be.

Our email issues may be sorted today.

The problem is we received so many emails, with some people emailing multiple times that it filled our email system to capacity. We are working through these as quickly as we can but more were coming in than we could clear.

So some of you will have had emails bounce back, some will have got through, obviously then changing the order they are received. We have now set up another email system that we auto-forward our existing system to, so we can clear the bottleneck. It has 3 times the capacity of our old system.

However, I would urge customers to email us once, if it goes through please give us time to reply.

With limited staff working from home we will then get through them all more easily than if we get 5 emails from the same person asking the same thing, just each one angrier than the last.

We have a couple more staff returning from isolation Monday but are having to reconfigure our working environment to ensure they are safe.


Because we are running much more slowly than normal we are getting a lot of negative reviews but I would ask you all to consider this: The real cowboys out there are the ones that will take your money, shut up shop, wait this out and come back as a new business in future. They don’t care about reviews, they have shed their old identity. These are the sort of people you will be dealing with in the future without knowing it.

Whereas those businesses that are actually honest and are battling through this, trying to do the right thing by their staff and customers, are the ones who will be severely damaged by negative reviews.

Wouldn’t it be ironic if the honest, hard-working companies like ours struggle through times like we are facing only to come out the other side, a shadow of their former selves, badly tarnished by negative reviews, while the real cowboys spring back into existence and thrive. Several of our negative reviews we cannot trace, the orders don’t exist, and when we ask for details, they go silent but leave their reviews in place. Our competitors maybe? Using the review system to take advantage of the current situation.

Many of you are regular customers and know we are a good company and trying to do the best we can in very difficult circumstances.


Please help me protect my staff by being understanding of the situation and just being a little more patient than you would normally expect to be.

We will do the right thing by every customer as quickly as we possibly can.

Please also consider we will need businesses and jobs when we come out of this and there maybe hundreds of thousands of businesses go under. So I would ask all of you to carefully consider the need for negative reviews at this time, not only for Pellpax but for every other business out there.

Many are working under very difficult circumstances but are trying their best.

Consider the government, it can’t even get desperately needed PPE equipment out to those that need it, and people are dying because of that problem, do you really think other businesses can operate as normal?.

Perhaps the government deserve a one-star review, but what good would it do if they really are trying everything possible. We may never know, but please don’t punish those companies that really are trying their best.

I would like to thank my staff who are working every hour possible to resolve our issues and please be assured that they are looking after you to the best of their ability.

Please stay safe and look after your families.

Kind Regards
Darren Kirk
Addaca Ltd t/a Pellpax

Updated on 26/03/2020 at 11.03am

Online Orders

We're still open online and delivering orders.

Pellpax Home Delivery Service

Our home delivery service is continuing with our drivers working single day routes. This change will result in deliveries being slower than usual. Please be patient as we adjust to this new system.

We have also implemented the following safety precautions to protect the wellbeing of our customers and drivers.

  1. Please show your photo identification at a distance for our driver to photograph without them having to touch it.
  2. Have your own pen ready to sign for the delivery at arm's length.

Delivery Information

We are working hard to dispatch orders as quickly as possible with limited staff. Due to high demand, our delivery lead times may be longer than usual.

Staff and Customer Safety

We have imposed safe working conditions as instructed by the Government. To help prevent the spread of the Coronavirus, and to protect the wellbeing of our customers and staff, we have implemented additional safety precautions to our home delivery service as described above.

Contact Us

If you have any queries not answered here, please email [email protected]. Our sales team are receiving a very high volume of emails, so it may take longer to respond than usual. Our phone line is currently closed until further notice.